M1:240Model of Urban Fragments
The closer surroundings of the new Piazza SS. Cosma e Damiano are characterized by “urban fragments” of numerous different ages:
The ancient remains of the Foro della Pace
(71-75, 192 AD), of which one can admire the former Pax-Temple’s Cella
about five meters below street level,
the gigantic Basilica of Maxentius
(308-312 AD), of which only the still massive side nave with three coffered barrel vaults survive,
the Basilica SS. Cosma & Damiano
(495-525), which was incorporated in the Peace Forum’s southern absidial aula and is connected to the little domed building called Tempio di Romolo facing the Via Sacra,
the church S. Lorenzo in Miranda
(7th century), which is the transformed Tempio di Antonino e Faustina (141 AD) with the large cipollino columns still standing in front of the (now floating) baroque portal,
the medieval and Renaissance monastery addition to the Basilica SS. Cosma e Damiano,
the densely populated quarter Monti to the north
and in between the wide Via dei Fori Imperiali, which was constructed during the fascist Mussolini regime under the name “Via dell’Impero”. The construction of this road (1924-1932) led to the demolition of the medieval Quartiere Alessandrino
and the Velia hill
, which once stood here.